Modify the Maintenance - Dialog

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Modify the Maintenance - Dialog

Postby jasper » Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:15 am


I try to change the default settings of the Maintenance-Dialog in my setup. In the default case it is possible to chose between 3 options: modify, repair and uninstall. In my setup I want the user just to be able to uninstall the software and not to repair/modify.

How can I customize the dialog for this?

I tried some scripts in the MSI-Code, but that did not work.

Thank you in advance

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Postby CandiceJones » Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:23 am

You want to edit the dialog itself, deleting the unnecessary radio buttons, along with the related graphics, text, etc.

If you don't have dialog editor in your edition, use the Project Wizard to create a blank project, and instruct the Project Wizard to disallow maintenance mode. That way, you can copy-paste MSIcode from that new project which disallows maintenance and permits uninstall only.
Candice Jones
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Postby jasper » Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:42 am

I tried it the way you describe first. I removed the buttons I do not need set the radion-button on "checked". But when I tested it on my system, the button was not marked as checked and when I clicked on "Next" the Program starts to reinstall my software. That is a case I do not want to have.

If the radio-button is not marked as checked and someone clicks on Next the program should not be installed.

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Joined: Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:39 am

Postby jasper » Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:45 pm

With my next try I deactivated the maintenance-dialog in my project, but it did not worked. When I wanted to uninstall the software I was asked to install it.
Then I did it the other soluten and made a new project without maintenance-dialog and copied the part of the MSIcode which disalouws the maintenance-dialog into my project. Now it works!!! :D

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