MSI install/uninstall behaviour

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MSI install/uninstall behaviour

Postby anja_laenge » Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:06 am


there is a tool from Microsoft, available from ... or-removed which fixes problems related to an install or uninstall process.
A customer who used it reported the behaviour described below and so I checked systems which had or had have one of our products installed.
Systems, that had an application for several versions of the application and therefor executed an installer (installers of this applications, but each time different ones, setup1 for version 1, setup2 for version 2) the related number of times, had this number of occurences listed. The checked applications had simple setups, which install some files and create a desktop icon, no native engine etc. The installer for the next version uninstalls the previous version and installed the new. Each had a new revision code and another version number.
All other software products I saw, had just one occurence in the list. Only our applications being present for more than one version, had more than one, even after uninstall!

So my questions:
- Why does this behaviour occur?
- How can I disable that? at least after an uninstall all remnants of the application must be eliminated
- can it cause trouble or collateral effects of _any_ kind?

The customer who saw this asked, why our product shows a different behaviour than all other windows software, and I was not able to answer his questions; can you provide the technical background to make sound statements in the future?

kind regards

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